
How To Train Like a Pro Surfer

Back in the day – like 10 years ago – surfers didn’t train much outside of, well, surfing.

You wanna workout? Go surf. You wanna improve your surfing? Go surf. You wanna get stronger? GO SURF. But things are different today. Most pro surfers will train, outside of the water, in order to enhance their game in the water.

But what does a surfer specific workout look like? Former Championship Tour surfer, Frederico Morais, recently shared his program:

Captioning the post, and breaking down the workout, Morais wrote:


How to train like a pro surfer!

I start my sessions with some flexibility, mobility & core activation drills.

Today I did:

Single leg power glute bridge w/ chest press:

3 x 5r w/ 20kg each dumbbell

Hip thrust:

8 x 100kg

3x 6r 140kg

Trap bar squat

3 x 5r 90kg

Squat jump

4 x 5r 10kg each dumbbell

Core strength

3 x 8 rotations each side w/10kg slam ball

And I finished w/ barbell row

5 x 10r 50kg

So, you wanna get better at surfing? Go surf…hit the gym. (And then go surfing.)


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