
Tom Lowe Makes a Nazare Bomb

January 4, Nazare, Tom Lowe's in the water with a crew of chargers. Spotting this wedgey peak, he spins and makes the drop. What followed after was a steam-rolling at Portugal's premier behemoth.

“Yeah was real wild morning on January 4”, Lowey tells. "30ft proper outside Nazare, me, Pedro Calado and Othmane Choufani were on first peak. Nobody else about at the time I caught this one. Was first wave of the day...Lucas Chumbo was on safety. Maya Gabeira towed the first wave of that set, then I saw a nice wedge entry on this.

“Next thing I was in the air off the bat, on my 11’0 Christenson. with the wind cross/onshore, which probably helped. I actually rode through to the inside because the wave formed up again, was a scary ride. Lucas followed me in on the ski and grabbed me straight away, the legend.

“Shortly after, I wiped out on a smaller wave, surfaced to that massive wedging beast on the head. Thing smashed me big time, hit my head on my board underwater, bit of panic mode and took a few waves on the head, but luckily enough I got washed to the beach. Ended up with six stitches which I’ll settle with considering....”

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