
RoughCuts mini Tour 2015

The year 2015 will not be complete without a surf movie tour!

Tim Bonython has been working for the past two years on his new project "the Big wave Project" which is a documentary on the evolution of big wave riding from its origin. 

Tim has been filming surfing for over 30 years and has interviewed along these years key figure in the field of big wave surfing.

This documentary is in the making and is scheduled to be released as part of the annual national tour of the Australian Surf Movie Festival ( ASMF) next year March/April 2016.

Warming up to our summer season, we are back on the road with a review of what happened in surfing this year 2015. 

Filmed and directed by Tim Bonython, Rough Cuts combine the best moments in surfing and the stories behind the action. The cinematography is sharp, the action incredible. 2015 a year to remember.

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