
SILVER LININGS starring Jordy Smith

J-Bay is truly special.   For Jordy, it is a second home and a place he returns to whenever possible.  It’s not only the wave but the people and the place that makes him feel at home.
In Episode 10, the 2022 tour season has finished and Jordy is buzzing to be back at J-Bay with his family and scoring waves up and down the coast.

'Silver Linings' is a series starring Jordy Smith. The episodic journey covers the incredible highs and devastating lows Jordy experienced in his life over the past 18 months.  From entering fatherhood to scoring the best waves he's seen at home, to facing a near career-ending injury forcing him to pull out of the Olympics, this series documents the rollercoaster ride Jordy has been on and the 'Silver Linings' that he encounters within his journey.

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