
PORTAL | A Short Film Featuring Ari Browne

Portal is a collaboration of talents between Ari Browne, Joshua Keogh, and JJ Stanbrook.

Their pursuits were purely in the name of progress, not perfection. Whilst adhering to popular performance ideas, the surfboards follow a trajectory far different to other surfboard design.

The surfboards on show are a rarity in that they move away from typical design processes and start to voluntarily move towards exploring the unknown outer precipice or cusp of surfboard design.

Typically in surfboard design function outweighs form. The aim was to invert this relationship and explore the dynamics that occurs when 'Form' (the appearance of the surfboard) is placed as the priority over 'Function' (the performance of the surfboard).

Unsurprisingly the resulting surfboard identify firstly as sculptural objects and secondly as surfboards.
Surprisingly however, no quantifiable sacrifice or detriment to performance was apparent. This is due to the clinical approach Josh took when shaping the surfboards.

Seamlessly harmonising performance and aesthetics. “The boards were well and truly operating in the performance window” testifies Ari Browne. They all worked amazingly well.

Stanbrook’s short film is a work of art in its own rights. The film also gives the trio the opportunity an to tell a story of adventure, fun, and of course, lordish behaviour.

Stanbrook’s knack for story telling and humour are at work as he depicts a washed up idiot, Ari Browne, who, plays himself a he minces around the exotic Moroccan coastline. Lastly the film showcases the exceptional performance attributes of the ten finless surfboards.

Music Courtesy of Burger Records
- Guantanamo Baywatch - Barbacoa
- Mr. 4Twenty - We Lurkin Work Hard
- Distractor - Human
- Levi Prairie - El Mirage Here She Comes

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