
Bree Kleintop Sexy Photos

Bree grew up on the east coast in the surf town of Virginia Beach and started surfing on a longboard when she was 6. Her father was a competitive surfer and going surfing with him behind their house was always her favorite time of the day. He inspired her fluid style and taught her that the ocean was like her church, a place to be one with nature and escape life’s stresses. Bree’s father has worked in the surf industry for over 20 years and introduced her to Layne Beachley, who was actually the first one to teach her how to surf on a shortboard when she was 10. From that point on she was hooked! Layne gave Bree a St Christophers necklace and told her to wear it as good luck charm and to keep pushing her surfing. After that she would hop on her bike and ride down the boardwalk to the jetty to surf everyday until dark. She then started entering contests competing in the ESA, NSSA and Surfing America Prime and doing well. Bree still wears the necklace to this day, and it has brought her amazing experiences whether it be surfing a perfect wave on the other side of the world or a photoshoot in some tropical paradise.

Bree says she feels blessed to have the opportunity to be able to travel the world and meet other surfers from all over who have become some of her closest friends. She has spent her winters on the North Shore of Oahu since she was 12, where she shot for her first cover of WSSM surf mag when she was only 13. She has also been featured in Surfer Mag, Waves, ESM, WSSM and Surfing Life. Bree was then given the chance to live in New Zealand for half the year training and competing when she was 15. She now calls San Clemente her home and continues to return back to the east coast as often as possible, especially for the swells brought to the Outer Banks during hurricane season.

During her down times she practices yoga, and you can always find her outdoors doing something fun whether it be paddle boarding, hiking or playing a game of basketball with the boys. She is an avid reader, has a passion for good music, loves to grow things in her garden and cook dinners for friends. She always has a smile on her face and some funny thing to say to make you laugh and is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. She plans to start doing the pro junior series and continue to travel and work towards competing on the WQS.

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