
Try to keep up as we check out Sally Fitzgibbons week in workouts

Pro-surfer, sporting all-rounder, author and Run Australia ambassador, Sally Fitzgibbons proves there's not much she can't do. With a bunch of surfing titles in her trophy cabinet, a surfing app and a documentary to her name, this 24-year-old Aussie also trains all-year-round to keep her body in top shape. Try to keep up as we check out Sally's week in workouts.

  • My Monday starts with a morning run and bike session followed by a dawn patrol surf session as sun comes up.
  • I head to the gym for a weights session.
  • Mid-afternoon yoga and breathing class.
  • I end the day with a late surf session.
  • I start my morning with a run and bike session.
  • I go for a surf at lunch.
  • Head to the gym for a weights session.
  • End the day with a late surf session.
  • Again I start my day with a morning run and bike session followed by a dawn patrol surf session as sun comes up.
  • I make sure I squeeze in a yoga and breathing class.
  • I head out for a late surf session at a different surf break.

  • Thursday, like every other day, begins with a morning run and bike session.
  • I make sure I get in some yoga and breathing exercises.
  • I go for a surf at lunchtime.
  • The day ends with a weights session in the late afternoon.
  • Start with a morning run and bike session followed by a dawn patrol surf session.
  • I head to the gym for another weights session.
  • I go to a yoga and breathing class after lunch.
  • My week ends with a late surf.

  • What's Your Go-To Exercise Guaranteed to Get You Results?

"That's hard to answer as it depends what I’m training for. For me I train my body for different things and types of surf throughout the year. Sometimes I do more cardio, but in pre-season I do more weights to build a base for the season ahead. You can be guaranteed that every day contains a mix of surfing, weights and yoga/breathing exercises."

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