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The sweltering heat hit us as soon as we got off the plane in the land of palm trees and black-sand beaches. As a remedy for sweat-drenched shirts at dinner and the instant regret that came with stepping out of the hotel room and its heavenly air-conditioning units, Zeke Lau threw buckets of salt water skyward and found the perfect hideaway right in the barrels of Bali's reef-breaks. "Views from Bali" brings you power, ferocity, precision and drum-roll… Rihanna? You’ll see.

Film / Edit - Cole Yamane
Graphic Design / Illustrations - Isaac Inouye (
Description - Lindsey Okubo

Photo: Laserwolf


Radical Times on the Gold Coast

They came from every corner of the globe. Boardriders united by the mountain and the wave. Traveling from Australia, America, Indonesia, New Zealand, Mexico, Hawaii, France, Morocco, Tahiti and Spain. 16 frothed-out international grommets here to share the line up with their heros.

The future of Championship Tour surfing; Mikey Wright, Zeke Lau and Leo Fioravanti. Current World Title runners; Jeremy Flores, Matt Banting, Wiggolly Dantas and Kanoa Igarashi.

The legends of the sport; Matt Hoy and Mark Richards, here to make sure surfing still has rock & roll. Power surfers, big wave surfers, and skaters who are now committed surfers... all on Gold Coast shores.

They came to get stoked and feel the high. The same high we all get from the ocean. The one we get from the cheer of the crowd or the hoot of a friend down the line, just as we drop in. And although the salt has washed off, the scaffolding has been pulled down, and the crowds are returning to normal, the buzz is still here…they were some Radical Times.

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