Showing posts with label Tyler Larronde. Show all posts

El Nino: Tyler Larronde

El Nino: Tyler Larronde From Marc Chambers on Vimeo.
Tylers El Nino season was one of his big break throughs for him. He was a wild card for The Peahi challenge and accomplished a longtime goal of getting a barrel that he's been dreaming of since he started surfing Jaws. Enjoy some of tilers most memorable and frightening moments of this 2015-2016 season.


Tribute to Peahi Jaws

Tribute to Peahi Jaws ~ Webpisode 10 from ALVARO MALPARTIDA
THE FILM - EYES WIDE OPEN " Surfing Temples" Available on Vimeo On Demand -
SURFERS In Order of Appearance ~
Alvaro Malpartida, Miguel Tudela, Lucas Silveira, Landon Mcnamara, Luke Shepardson, Mikey Redd, Dege O' Connell, Tyler Larronde, Albee Layer, Trevor Sven Carlson, Seth Moniz, Danilo Couto, Shane Dorian
Swell Date - February 10 &11 / 2016
Production / Thruster and Line Up Magazine
Film / Jose Plaza & Agustin Muñoz
Thumbnail / Tai Vandyke
Track - Headphone Activist ASAP

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