Showing posts with label Sam Hammer. Show all posts

New Jersey: Bombing Winter Swell

Video from NumbSkulls

It's not often New Jersey surfers are blessed with a day of surf with the size and conditions we had on December 1st 2020. There are only a handful of swells (Doomsday, Stella) that cement themselves as bench mark days here in New Jersey. They don't happen often, but when everything does align and this amount of swell energy hits our sandbars just right, our beach breaks are (pound for pound) some of the best in the world. This day was right up there with the rest of the day of days and it couldn't have come at a better time with the start of @Surfline Wave of The Winter contest period. Enjoy some highlights from one of the biggest, best Jersey days in recent memory and the first bombing swell of the winter. If this is any indication of things to come this season, we are in for a good one!

Surfers: Rob Kelly, Balaram Stack, Sam Hammer, Pat Schmidt, Zach Humphryes, Brendan_tighe_, Brad Flora, Mark Gilmartin, and more.

Film by: Ryan Simalchick
Additional Footage: Matt Paul and Russ Roe


Perilous Sea - Trailer

Perilous Sea - Trailer from Mike Bromley

Perilous Sea strives to be the first surf film shot entirely on the different rugged shores of the North Atlantic. Inspired by the story telling style of classic maritime novels, Perilous Sea follows a group of professional surfers as they explore the landscapes and waves of Iceland, the Canadian Maritimes and Ireland.


Noah Wegrich
Kevin Schulz
Noah Cohen
Wilem Banks
Sam Hammer
Dane Anderson
Noah Lane
Will Skudin
Logan Landry
Heidar Eliasson

A Film by Mike Bromley and Ryan Meichtry

Original Soundtrack by Andrew Wiseman, Andrew Shier and Matt Mays
Produced by Proper Standard
Cover Photo by Trevor Pikhart


All Hollows Eve / Oct. 30th in New Jersey

All Hollows Eve / Oct. 30th in New Jersey from Thomas Larney

October 30th, 2017 provided the first real south swell of the fall season in NJ, delivering well overhead surf to the state from sun up to sun down with good conditions. Featuring Sam Hammer, Clay Pollioni, Andrew Gesler, Simon Hetrick, Balaram Stack, Ben Gravyy, Conor Willem, Zack Humphreys, Ryan Daly and Brendan Tighe. Oh yeah, and Kelly Slater.

Additional footage by Kevin Doherty (land+aerial) and Cringle (Conor Willem) Thanks boys.
Go Pro / Ben Gravyy

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