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Video from Deus Bali / Deus Ex Machina

Winner Best Short Category - Portuguese Surf Film Festival, 2017

Deus Bali is proud to present our latest profile piece; BLACKBOY: a portrait of Deni Firdaus. Deni Firdaus comes from a remote beach town in West Java, Indonesia, called Batu Karas. Although the town’s major industry is growing rice, people in the town collect vintage cars, ride custom 2-stroke motorbikes and love to longboard. Not your typical Indonesian village. In this 10-minute profile, Deni introduces his town, his life and shares his passion for the unorthodox local customs.

STARRING: Deni Firdaus, Harrison Roach, Thomas Bexon, Husni Ridwan, Zye Norris, and Matt Cuddihy CINEMATOGRAPHY: Andre Cricket DIRECTED: Dustin Humphrey PRODUCED: Dare Jennings & Carby Tuckwell PHOTOGRAPHY: Tom Hawkins, Harry Mark, Giang Alam Wardani

Special Offer - Deus Ex Machina SINGLES DAY - 20% OFF SITEWIDE

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