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After Party - Big Wave Paddle Session in Nazaré, Portugal [4K] Drone

November 2018 brought us what was arguably one of the best Big Wave events in Surfing history, the WSL Nazaré Challenge 2018 and conditions were even better than anticipated. A perfect swell with off-shore wind provided the absolute ideal setup to run this competition. Bombs, Barrels and even a 10 point ride all happened on Friday 16th November 2018. Then... just 3 days later and with many of the boys postponing their flights, Monday came with the “After Party”, and considering all the media attention on what had just gone down on Friday, this session went through relatively unnoticed. Conditions were pretty much the same forecast for the event 3 days earlier, with the exception of a few variables that made it a bit more heavy and challenging for the boys. The rescue support infrastructure from the event (or the lack of it) was also a key difference during the After Party. By late morning our team counted 5 broken Guns and several physical injuries, the worst of them probably by Portuguese Big Wave Surfer João Guedes (02:01) who ended up in the Hospital with a hurt knee. The Bomb of the day was indisputably scored by Nic Von Rupp, who went deeper than Lucas Chumbo on a massive left hander (01:31) with a vertical drop. Lucas is not used to having someone deeper than him when conditions are at that level, he probably didn’t notice Nic was there until both were fully committed, one for the books right there. Besides this double bomb with Chumbo, Nic also scored an impossible air drop (01:13) an hour later, making him one of the main standouts of the entire session. Both his waves are probable XXL entry material for this season awards. Kai Lenny got involved in one of the most spectacular wipeouts (00:45), in what could have been one of the rides of the day. Luca Padua, 17 year old from Mavericks, also left his impression and showed us why he is a promise and blended with the Nazaré vibe like a champ. Grant “Twiggy” Baker who won the contest on Friday, (obviously) scored his share of bombs and even attracted a flock of drones (01:11) in one of his main waves. Tom Lowe also scored one of the best waves of the day, just before Nic’s second bomb, unfortunately we missed that shot from both drone and land, but it won’t be forgotten. The boys had to deal with a difficult positioning strategy, where, in order to score the main bombs, they had to accept the possibility of being obliterated by the ocasional (but guaranteed) huge Clean Up Sets. The risk/reward ratio assessment was a key factor, besides having to overcome critical drops, bumps, many close outs and long hold downs.


The Big Ugly - Dramatic Rescue of a Fallen Big Wave Surfer - #Drone - Nazaré, Portugal

Video from Máquina Voadora

Brazilian professional surfer Pedro “Scooby” Vianna takes an epic spill from his board during a storm in Nazaré, Portugal. By February 28, Scooby was tearing down the tide at 45 miles an hour on his rattling surfboard. There was a 70-foot mountain of water avalanching behind him. The seething spume nipped him from behind and sent him bombing into the fray in a violent back flop. Scooby’s friend and fellow Brazilian, Lucas "Chumbo" Chianca, rode in on a jet ski to pick him up before the next monster set rolled in. Scooby grabbed ahold of a rear tow board latched to the jet ski, and they sped away in an attempt to outrun the next wave. Chumbo soon lost control in the choppy whitewater, and the jet ski capsized near some dangerous rocks. Another massive wave was right behind them. Two people now needed a rescue. How did Scooby and Chumbo finally escape the chaos? Everaldo "Pato" Teixeira, a veteran big wave surfer from Brazil, tore in on yet another jet ski. In a deft and coolheaded rescue bolstered by years of experience, Teixeira rescued Chumbo and Scooby, both of whom were relatively unscathed. This episode ended well and became one of the main highlights of the Big Wave Season, the drone video went viral after it was used on a Red Bull Production and later licensed to National Geographic, reaching 20 million views in few days, dozens of media outlets picked up the story, the footage is currently being licensed for several feature documentaries across the globe, and is now perhaps the most viewed piece of footage of Nazaré. ** "The Big Ugly" was an Official Nominee for the Los Angeles Drone Film Festival 2017 edition, featured on VICE/Motherboard. *** UPDATE (Dec 3, 2017): "The Big Ugly" is the Winner of the "News & Documentary" Award on the #LADFF Los Angeles Drone Film Festival 2017 edition

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