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BEYOND THE BORDERS (Crossing Borders surfing film extra footage) by Jon Aspuru.

Natxo Gonzalez, Aritz Aranburu and Kepa Acero surfing in Liberia, they met a community that is passionate about surfing, and thanks to PROVIDE THE SLIDE  they can continue using surfboards that are no longer used in other parts of the planet.



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The island of the tigers is a documentary where 3 surfers, Aritz Aranburu, Kepa Acero, Natxo González, decide to explore one of the biggest deserts in Africa in search of what could be one of the best islands in the world. The difficulties to get there, and the danger of the death step, are the great difficulties that can be found along the way to an island in which only the arena falls, and a city abandoned by its inhabitants when the war broke out.


Finding The Barrel

Right after the Hope Island adventure, Kepa and Natxo decided it was time to pull the plug and head somewhere more dependable (Aritz had to split for other career obligations). They beelined it to Indo. It took them a couple of days to zero in on a spot, but again, they commandeered a fishing boat and found themselves staring at a wave they really didn’t want to ride.
Remote, heavy and shallow, Kepa and Natxo decided to paddle out against their better judgment.
“We should have had helmets. I’ve heard stories of guys surfing this spot wearing motorcycle leathers because the reef just tears you up,” Kepa explained. “Neither of us felt comfortable out there, even wearing fullsuits, but we’d come so far.”
Video from Jon Aspuru

The Crime of Stupidity

Video from kepaacero
"The Crime of Stupidity" words by Eduardo Galeano, edited by Kepa Acero.

Kepa Acero´s first barrels on his last trip to Indonesia, august 2017. After breaking his neck in Mundaka in january 2017, this is the last edit mixed the words of the poet and writer Eduardo Galeano. 

Los primeros tubos de Kepa Acero en su último viaje a Indonesia en agosto del 2017.
Después de haberse roto el cuello en Mundaka en enero del 2017, este es el último edit  junto con las reflexiones del poeta y escritor Eduardo Galeano.

Kepa Aceroren lehen tuboak 2017.aren abuztuan egindako azken bidaian Indonesian.
2017. urtearen urtarrilean lepoa apurtu ostean, hona hemen egindako azken edizioa Eduardo Galeanoren erreflezioekin batera.


Radical Times in Namibia

It was 4:30 in the morning, and we were on our way to the wave. The first light of the morning was showing. The sea sounded strong. We drove alongside the coast at full speed, about to reach the spot, full of excitement. As we came around the bend in the coastline, we saw a wave slowing down in the fog. Finally, we could see what had since then been a longtime dream. We followed the shoreline 100 meters, 200 meters, 500 meters. The wave seemed so perfect and static at the same time, it’s barrel spinning tight. We couldn’t help but to start screaming.

The bay became a sacred temple of endless tubes. I'd never seen anything like it. If there was ever a reason to believe in a higher power, this was the place to find it.

After ten hours of tubes and pure bliss, we had ridden the best waves of our lives. We felt like the happiest men in the world. The swell was slowing down, and it would be gone tomorrow. But that day was the day. Those memories are ones we will never be able to forget.

Staring - Kepa Acero / Natxo Gonzalez
Film & Edit - Igor Bellido
Music - Ember days by Arrows & Bullets


¨Darwin and the evolution theory¨ by Kepa Acero

Charles Darwin dijo que las Galapagos eran un mundo en si mismo.

Esto son cosas que uno escribe estando aquí, en Las Galápagos, sólo y durante muchas horas, rodeado de un montón de animales.
Yo, que no soy poeta, he sacado algunas de estas reflexiones viendo documentales e inspirándome en la poesía sonora de Luis Tejerina y Unai Azkune.
Luis es una inspiración para mí, en el modo de transmitir, tanto disparando palabras como surfeando.
En el caso de Unai Azkune, aquí tenéis su música.
Espero que os guste.
Abrazos desde Las Galapagos.

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