Showing posts with label Harrison Roach. Show all posts


Video from Deus Bali / Deus Ex Machina

Winner Best Short Category - Portuguese Surf Film Festival, 2017

Deus Bali is proud to present our latest profile piece; BLACKBOY: a portrait of Deni Firdaus. Deni Firdaus comes from a remote beach town in West Java, Indonesia, called Batu Karas. Although the town’s major industry is growing rice, people in the town collect vintage cars, ride custom 2-stroke motorbikes and love to longboard. Not your typical Indonesian village. In this 10-minute profile, Deni introduces his town, his life and shares his passion for the unorthodox local customs.

STARRING: Deni Firdaus, Harrison Roach, Thomas Bexon, Husni Ridwan, Zye Norris, and Matt Cuddihy CINEMATOGRAPHY: Andre Cricket DIRECTED: Dustin Humphrey PRODUCED: Dare Jennings & Carby Tuckwell PHOTOGRAPHY: Tom Hawkins, Harry Mark, Giang Alam Wardani

Special Offer - Deus Ex Machina SINGLES DAY - 20% OFF SITEWIDE


A Week Up West

Video from Deus Ex Machina

Deus Bali is proud to present The Temple Rat's latest creation - A Week Up West.

Noosa longboarder Harrison Roach keeps falling asleep while surfing. So
he travels with his shaper Thomas Bexon to a faraway island to try to build a board
that will cure his sleep surfing syndrome. But that’s just the beginning of their

Harrison Roach, Thomas Bexon, Husni Ridhwan

Andre Cricket & Andy Gough

The Temple Rats

Dustin Humphrey

Tom Hawkins, Harry Mark, Giang Alam Wardani

Black Rabbit George, Tijuana Cartel & Sons of the East


Deus Nine Foot & Single 2017

Deus Nine Foot & Single 2017 from Arturo Dedace III

The Nine Foot & Single Men's Invitational was the highlight of the event held by Deus Ex Machina in Bali last June 3-4, 2017.

Just before a solid swell hit the Indonesian archipelago, the Right at Pererenan rivermouth gave loggable waves for the first few days of the competition. Then, just before the finals started, the conditions cleared up and offered perfect combination of tough but fun waves - huge and clean right handers with a variety of sections for the participants to show off their skills:
a solid drop, a nice barreling section, steep walls for nose riding, and a hackable section at the inside for a strong finish.

Zye Norris, Jared Mell, Jack Lynch and Harrison Roach showed off their exceptional logging during the finals.
This video also features surfing by Deni Blackboys, Husni Ridhwan, Yuta Sezutsu, Thomax Bexon, and others.

Music by Alt-J


TALES OF THE WILD | Harrison Roach

SOLACE – Episode 1 from Christian Dior
Episode 1
Harrison Roach

Far away from the surf business industry and competitions, Harrison was able to make a living out of his passion; surfing became his lifestyle. Every day, he drives alone for hundreds of miles and braves some of the most dangerous wildlife in the world, seeking the wave he would be the only one to ride. See his spiritual dialogue with the ocean.


The Last Flight To Agadir

Harrison Roach in Morocco from surfstitch.
Under the unforgiving cliff faces lay peeling after another. Unridden walls, pushed and thrown by a howling offshore and shadowed by a dry desert landscape. Created by powerful, Atlantic ocean ground swells these walls track towards land, becoming intense and perfect by the time they reach the western coastline.

The Last Flight to Agadir is a SurfStitch x Deus short film, directed and shot by Andrew Gough featuring surfer Harrison Roach chasing a far fetched but much dreamt about swell in Northern Africa.

Cinematography & Edit - Andrew Gough
Colourist - Mark Desiatov
Soundtrack - Wish Someone Would Care by Irma Thomas
Narration - Boilers Ahmed
Presented by - SurfStitch & Deus Ex Machina

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