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Mikey O'Shaughnessy | Something Better

The stigma around seeking help for depression and mental health issues is deep and old.

Reaching out for help can be hard, especially when it's not a topic that is discussed openly in society. Sometimes we feel down and depressed, and it's important to remember that these feelings that are human, natural and ok.

If you have that one great friend that you can rely and count on, this person can help.

Step into the shoes of one of the North Shore's staple surfers, Mikey O'Shaughnessy as he offers positivity in the wake of losing someone very dear to him, which impacted the surfing community as a whole.

300 million people worldwide suffer from depression. It is something that affects everyone at some point in their life, whether it be personal or through the experiences of a loved one. Mikey shows us first hand, through his surfing, that life is worth living.

Featuring: Mikey O'Shaughnessy
Film and Edit: Cliff Kapono and Sean Santiago

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